Management Maturity Model®. Each level is described in greater detail in the report and used as a yardstick for companies that wish to attain the highest level of succession management.
be well,
Succession Management Maturity
**Agustinus Agung Wirawan
Succession management is an immature and relatively new process for most companies. Fewer than 12 percent of companies have truly integrated succession management programs. In our research, we have developed a model that identifies five levels of maturity for succession management. The following are brief descriptions of each level of the Bersin & Associates Succession Management Maturity Model®. Each level is described in greater detail in the report and used as a yardstick for companies that wish to attain the highest level of succession management.
* Level 0: No Succession Process – At this level, organizations have no real succession management process. They may identify potential successors for the CEO and executive-level positions. Our research shows that 21 percent of companies operate at this level, and they typically find themselves limited in growth or business flexibility by a lack of managerial and leadership skills.
* Level 1: Replacement Planning – Organizations at Level 1 Maturity focus on senior-level positions. A “list” of high potentials is created, but there is no formal development process in place. Our research shows that approximately 15 percent of organizations today function at Level 1.
* Level 2 : Traditional Succession Planning – Organizations that implement succession planning target critical senior-level positions. Talent reviews are conducted and development plans are put in place. Our research shows that 52 percent of organizations operate at this level today.
* Level 3: Integrated Succession Management – Level 3 companies target all critical positions at all levels. Companywide succession is tightly aligned with the business strategy and integrated with other talent management processes. Our research indicates that fewer than 12 percent of companies have achieved this Level of Maturity.
* Level 4 : Transparent Talent Mobility – Level 4 is the “next practice” of succession management. As far as we know, there are no companies that have achieved this Level of Maturity. At Level 4, companies completely understand the capabilities and potential of their workforces; talent decisions are made naturally, based on what is best for the business as a whole.
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