Senin, 01 November 2010

The 10 behavioral traits

The 10 behavioral traits that nearly all technical professionals display that keep them from advancing up the technology management ladder and that also keep them from easily and smoothly working with non-technical colleagues and customers.

"Managing the Technologists Who Manage Your Technology! ©"
by Steven Cerri,

Dear Event Planner,

Engineers, scientists, technologists... they are a unique bunch. I know. I am one. I'm an aeronautical engineer; a geophysicist; with an MBA. I know that generally, we technologists think, act, and move through the world with a somewhat unique perspective.

If you and your technologists are interested in hearing more about how this perspective makes managing and leading technologists a unique process, this presentation is for you and your teams. You'll find this presentation unlike any other because Steven has a street-wise, college-smart perspective on technology, technology management, and business, having moved from engineer to research scientist, to program and product manager, to director and then vice president of engineering, to general manager, to director of corporate training, to entrepreneur, and professor, and author and speaker, Steven is able to provide a breadth of knowledge and experience that will resonate with your technical audiences.

In this presentation Steven will share with you the 10 behavioral traits that nearly all technical professionals display that keep them from advancing up the technology management ladder and that also keep them from easily and smoothly working with non-technical colleagues and customers. These behavioral traits are actually part of the engineering curriculum. Without knowing it or acknowledging it, our educational systems teach engineers and technologists how not to deal with people. They are taught to trust and deal with technology, with machines, with code and they develop a way of moving through the world based on this perception. And this works just fine in college where this behavior returns good grades.

Yet once inside an organization, management wants them to deal with people, with ambiguity, and with people's feelings. The behavioral traits that start out returning high grades in school become hindrances and pitfalls to organizational advancement. That's why Steven calls these behavioral traits the 10 Pitfalls©. They begin as positive behaviors and they turn into pitfalls to advancement when the organization wants a more Fully Integrated Technical Professional©.

In this presentation Steven will present each of the 10 Pitfalls and show you how to talk to and work with your engineers and technical professionals so that you can motivate them based on their unique view of the world. Learn the distinct differences between how engineers and technologists see the world compared to managers. Learn why your technologists deal with issues the way they do and how to better communicate with them and how to motivate them to better communicate with others.

This presentation is guaranteed to accomplish two goals, as a minimum. First, if you are a manager of engineers and technologists, it will give you new ways to think about and deal with your technical direct reports. Second, if you are an engineer or technologist, it will give you a "look in the mirror" that will provide you with a new perspective on how to better deal with people who are not like you.

Steven is contributing author to the IEEE book: “The Balanced Engineer, Essential Ideas for Career Development.” He has authored scores of original and innovative training and change-management programs and publications for business and public markets. Steven is a contributing consultant and speaker on the PBS production titled: “Taking the Lead: The Management Revolution”, a 26-episode management curriculum, currently airing on PBS television and on 42 US college campuses. He has presented papers at National IEEE Management Conferences titled: “Transitioning from Engineer to Manager”, and “Effective Communication Skills for Engineers”. He is also completing a book titled: “Advancing Up the Technology Management Ladder”©.

Steven appears in International Who’s Who of Professional Management, has been an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, has trained TQM, and has completed courses in personal and professional coaching. He is currently professor of technology management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Steven has conducted trainings in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, England, and Italy (in Italian), as well as in the United States. Steven is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and CSIA (Colorado Software and Internet Association), and has been a guest on Voice America. Steven consistently receives the highest scores on his presentations and courses and had received the Outstanding Professor Award at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2006.

Steven is available for speaking engagements either as a keynote speaker or as a presenter in break out sessions. This presentation, "Managing the Technologists Who Manage Your Technology©" can be structured as a one-hour meeting presentation, a keynote address, a half-day break-out session, or an 8-hour workshop.

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